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Barangay Information & Records Automation Management System

The Municipal Government of Paete is embarking on a new and exciting project to digitalize its barangay information management system. The goal of this project is to create a centralized and streamlined platform for managing and organizing the data of the various barangays within the municipality. This system will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the government's operations, making it easier for both citizens and government officials to access and utilize the information they need.

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Issuing Permits

Barangay Records and Automation Management System is to enhance the way of managing, issuing certificates and keeping all the resident's confidential records and prepares and prints Barangay permits and certificates.

Records Management

The objective of this management system is to provide a faster process of getting the information and the documents that the people needed. The application facilitates the process of barangay records that will provide an alternative and efficient way to manage the records of the barangays.


The business record is automated. The application will ease the management of records, and issuance clearances and certificates. This application provides them easy accessibility of the files needed. They can monitor the information of the barangay, barangay residents conveniently and make a statistical report out of it